So now I'm beginning to give the weeb inside the expanding belly
pep talks and a heads up that things will be moving perhaps sooner than he wants them to.
Seemingly out of the blue many great things have come our way this past week. Out of what looked to be a perfect storm of terribleness a bright light has broken through. These mini miracles include getting a sweet tax return back, showing the apartment to some very interested people (to get out of our pricey lease sooner than Sept), having a familiar and stable place to land when relocating the soon-to-be three of us, and becoming eligible to be on Jon's insurance (which sure beat out my lame one). All amazing things that could not have lined up more perfectly to reassure me that it really will be OKAY.
And today was a GREAT day. Aside from a pretty rough night of being kept up by a dancing baby and a gross case of nasal drip the day turned out lovely.
I began a project that was inspired by this amazing mobile at
My intention was to knit a little blue bird, but I believe he has morphed into an elephant
This will become his trunk and head, I hope! I'm without a pattern so its kind of a hit and a miss.
Could the day get better? Well it did. I had this decadent Mint Mocha at Bigby's, handed the girl my punch card to pay for the overpriced concoction ($5 what!?) and much to my surprise she said "oh that's your free one! Do you want to get the bigger size?" I not only got to keep my fiver but I enjoyed the drink even more (and no I didn't get the bigger size, there should not be a bigger size than that monster!)
I decided to put my fiver to good use and stopped at Schuler's on the way home to buy my favorite magazine ELLE. I would buy these (the small pocket sized ones) when I lived in Finland every month and would read them cover to cover. So that's what I'll do now, move down to the porch, put my feet up and read while I wait for Jon to come home.
1 comment:
i saw on facebook, you had the flu? ick. i hope you're feeling tons and tons better.
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