Friday, June 29, 2012

Year 4

Yesterday Jon and I celebrated year 4 of being married.

Yes, 4 years is a long time!

Jon's mom babysat for H and we went downtown to the Monkey Bar for tapas a 2 ridiculously watered-down drinks. But the food was yummy, the weather was a steamy 90 degrees, perfect for eating some gelato under the gazebo when we got home.

I felt soooooooooooo young walking down that aisle!

Over dinner I asked JOn which year he's liked most and that got us to thinking how we'd summarize our years together. Jon and I brok down the 4 years as follows:

Year 1: relocation, NYC to GR
Year 2: pregnanacy and living at home
Year 3: Harrison and House
Year 4: ?

So what to do this year?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Series: Part 2 of 6

Welcome to Week 2 of Summer Vacation! It was a good start last week, but we need to do more of the following:


 As high as we can!

 Dye our tongues with numerous frozen treats

 Drink more coffee

Play at Meijer Gardens more!

Here's a glimpse into our upcoming week :) Join us!

Celebrate our 4 year anniversary (6/28)
Attend our 10 year reunion!
go to the zoo
trip to holland beach
bike ride to rockford(?)
continue reading Game of Thrones (book 3)
continue watching Mad Men (on 2nd season)
play tennis! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Romy and Michelle

If it was 2002 again and I asked myself what I would be in 10 years I know I'd be 100% wrong.

I was doing a little Romy and Michelleing this week (as the big 10 Year reunion looms ahead) and I came up with these 4 markers of well-being.

a. relationship/family status
b. physical health/well being
c. job description/salary
d. location, location, location

As of today I believe my ranking from best to worst would be as follows;
with a general score of 2.5 out of 4 (I gave location a .5 as I am generally happy but still pinning away for NYC).

So, as of today, how would you rank yourself?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Series 2012! (part 1 of 6)

I have exactly 6 weeks of summer vacation to take advantage of. Ready go!

Week 1 of vacation got of to an admittedly rocky start for me. I woke up Friday morning with a timy HP nestled in my arms. Ever since H was born my arms have become thermometers, and they were registering a slight fever. He was in fantastic spirits so I wished it away and went about the day.

Yeah, it got no better, worse in fact. He was a flaming torch by the end of the day. It was all we could do to watch tv and movies while he slept in my arms. Counting down the hours til I could give him another dose of tylenol. So instead of enjoying a co workers bonfire, I stayed at home with H.

Happily things turned around Saturday, aside from being warm throughout much of the day H was a happy camper. I even got to leave him with my parents to join my friend for the Saugatauk Film Festival. Which happily lets me cross another one of the list . I'll count Saugatauk as a place I haven't been to before. It was very cute, walkable and I'd love to go back to enjoy some water sports.

I'd been meaning to get over to this festival for awhile now, and I would love to go back again next year.Check out our movie choice Wild Horse Wild Ride here. I really enjoyed it and would totally reccommend it as a feel-good movie.

Here's a peak at my Summer to do list:
go to the beach
eat brunch with friends a lot
visit Chicago
Zoo trips
see Fiona Apple in concert
Children's Museum
hang with sister Kellie
trip to Ann Arbor (trader joes and ikea!)
camping trip
etc, etc. :)

Care to join me in any of that? :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

It's been more than a week now and sweet little HP has happily transitioned to his own twin-sized bed. And even better is that I no longer stay in there til he's asleep. I can ask for a hug, which he'll give and a wave good-bye.

His current favorite bed time books are:

There's a Nightmare in My Attic
Me Too
Nicholas Cricket
Goodnight Moon 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pink Heels on a 2 Year Old

Only 4 and a half more days until summer vacation begins! Quick fact about me: I have had summer breaks since entering kindergarten circa 1990. And I do not plan on giving that up. Because this is what I would be missing:
Real juxtaposition going on here

 Watching fennel and spinach grow

Watching what will likely be one small plate of salad grow
Hoping to eventually make salsa
Creating chalk masterpieces
Wondering what kind of fruit tree I have in my backyard
Honestly, you tell me what this is and I'll do ten back flips in your honor.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Playdate in Pictures

I got to see my bff's from High School today, complete with their sweet babies(and husbands too!) 

Well of course we had to try to do a group shot :) 

My personal favorite is the first one :) Oh...I was just borrowing that sweet 6 week old bundle in my arms, she belongs to Jen :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Big Boy

HP is napping upstairs! On his very own floor mattress big boy bed! I was a bit more apprehensive about how he'd do napping than sleeping overnight. But yay him (so far)! I've had to lie on the bed with him both times now until he's asleep, and really that is more sweet than annoying. It was a little tricky today though as he really loves tangling his hands in my way-too-long hair. I had to do a Indiana Jones maneuver to get out of it. I quickly switched my head with Mr. Bear. I guess we are similar enough because I was free and tip-toed away.

In other news, we have laundry in the house again! I said enough was enough with the laundromat and bought a used washer for $100 on craigslist. I love that site. My father-in-law helped Jon get it connected and even fixed the gas leak in the dryer. Awesome, so no more crispy towels from being hung out on the line. That is not going to stop me, however, from hanging out the rest of the laundry. Sorry Jon.