Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Texas 2.0

Airport questions-

Can you read clouds?
Can you look down and tell me what city you are flying over without your GPS?
Why did you want to be a pilot?
Do you have flight routes similar to bus routes?
How many flights do you do per day?
Where is the best place to fly into?

These are the questions which enter my mind as I sit waiting for my flights.
I finish up my 2012-13 school year flights today. DFW to GRR. I came to Dallas for the second time this year to attend a conference speaking on how to better serve our dual language learners. I was the only person out of district, so obviously I was a little bit out of my comfort zone. However my seat partner adopted me and brought me out to a delicious lunch with her pals. Do you know how often that has happened to me in the past year at other conferences? None. Zero. Those sweet Texans :)

Sky over Mount Pleasant, TX

It was a toasty 95 degrees...whew. These feet are eager to get home!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Spring Recap and Intro to Summer

I finally was able to get around to pulling the pictures off my phone. Although I do really like my phone and its picture capabilities I miss my real camera. Poor thing, all tucked away in a drawer.

Playing in the lilacs with my boys

Tulip Time in Holland with my parents 

Enjoying Festival of the Arts downtown GR

Camping in Manistee, MI

Growing some pretty tall peas! 

And tomorrow I set off for Dallas, TX. My last work trip of the 2012-13 School Year. I'm attending a bilingual professional development in the great city of Pittsburgh, TX. Haven't heard of it? Neither had I...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summer Series Part 3

This past 'summer day' was especially nice for me. Jon redeemed his Mother's Day gift for me, a super fancy massage at his hotel. Over the course of an hour and a half hot bamboo, mud, and oil all took turns shellacking my skin. It was delicious.

I then got to spend the afternoon with my best high school friend and her sweet babies before picking up my own sweet HP and having a nice dinner with the boys at home.

This past weekend I began tackling project house with renewed gusto. My house is adorable (I think)...too bad no one can see through the shrubbery.
Exhibit A

And C
So I broke out the clippers, a shovel and my gardening jeans and spent the better part of Saturday tearing up those half-dead shrubs. I also managed to severally bruise my arms and legs. Ouch.
The only reason that bush is still there is because I was too tired to finish.
It's a start! Oh hey, check out my little garden :) 
Peas and lettuce!