Thursday, May 19, 2011


Today after I got home and relieved my mother-in-law from Bear duty we decided to go for a walk just the two of us. It had rained earlier so I chose to moby Harrison (wear all 20 something pounds of him). We left the house with one of Jon's Trump umbrellas (we used to have 10 or so, now just down to 2) and began walking around the park. Outside of the sprinkles we had a nice warm walk, singing made-up Laura songs to just HP and the birds.

We neared our street corner and instead of choosing it I decided to make a bigger square. As soon as I turned onto the next street down the sky opened up and downpoured. H tried to catch the rain drops that were sliding off the sides of the umbrella. I perched us under a tree while H stared up at the shadows that the leaves made, looked at the rain and back at me and rested on my shoulder.

We danced in the rain all the way home.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Naptime Rambles

Our mail-lady just woke me from a hazy 2:30 nap. I think I got like 15 minutes, HP is still going strong upstairs after chasing around a ball at the park with Jon and me. Our 3 minute walk to our park makes me happy every single time I do it. That park is 25% of the reason why I was sold on this place. I must say, this is a pretty sweet house.

I'll bypass the statement that I've been way too busy to post and jump right in with updates of the day.

Update #1, I have missplaced my camera's battery charger. This has ground to a halt my Project 365. Looks like it's more of a Project 80 or so. Eh. We'll see if it turns up in any of these random boxes lying about.

#2 HP said a sad goodbye to his Aunt Katie yesterday. He helped me drop her off at the airport and then proceeded to cry the whole way home. Happily he will be cared for by his Grandma whom he hasn't seen in some time.

#3 Although we have no dryer, we do have an ancient washer in the basement that does the job. And now that Michigan has turned the corner to nice weather I've put up a functioning, if not sagging, clothesline.

#4 Mother's Day tomorrow. Last year around this time I was induced for HP. But because he was stubborn and unwilling I went home empty-handed and large-stomached.

#5 eh....I really like our new sofa...and I'm going to finish that nap now...