Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Photo Montage of Bear

If you give a Bear a choice,

he'll elect to go on the merry-go-round.

If you let a Bear go on a merry go round, 

he'll want to slide down the big kids slide.

If you find a Bear in the woods,

He'll convince you to take him home with you.

If you let a Bear choose his favorite sports team,

he'll go for the perpetual underbears.

If you give a Bear some teeth buds, 

and a set of twinkly blue eyes,

he'll just demand more, maybe even a penguin!

If you give a Bear a Bear suit,
he will pass out!

Aunt Kellie is smitten

so is the Bear

Contemplating a move to a warmer climate :)


Julie said...

Love the pictures Laura! Harrison is such a cutie pie.

Jennifer said...

Laura he is soooo cute! and he's teething?!? why dont we chat more?!

Melissa said...

Aunt Melissa wishes she could hold Bear! Seriously, he's one of the most beautiful babies I've ever laid eyes on.

Unknown said...

Thanks ladies :) I'll pass along the compliments :)