Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summer Series Part 3

This past 'summer day' was especially nice for me. Jon redeemed his Mother's Day gift for me, a super fancy massage at his hotel. Over the course of an hour and a half hot bamboo, mud, and oil all took turns shellacking my skin. It was delicious.

I then got to spend the afternoon with my best high school friend and her sweet babies before picking up my own sweet HP and having a nice dinner with the boys at home.

This past weekend I began tackling project house with renewed gusto. My house is adorable (I think)...too bad no one can see through the shrubbery.
Exhibit A

And C
So I broke out the clippers, a shovel and my gardening jeans and spent the better part of Saturday tearing up those half-dead shrubs. I also managed to severally bruise my arms and legs. Ouch.
The only reason that bush is still there is because I was too tired to finish.
It's a start! Oh hey, check out my little garden :) 
Peas and lettuce!

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