H's mind will be blown when I tell him about living in the olden days of sub 2000s. It seems comical even now to think that my parent's hulking, brown conversion van had a sweet car phone, that I didn't have a cell phone til college, that I had to step away from the computer for several minutes while it noisily dialed up. You just can't commit to any one piece of technology. It'll change next year.

But some things stick around and feel the same regardless of however long you've been away from it. Like the best friend that you fell out of touch, it just feels normal and easy to get right back to talking to them when next you meet. Lake Michigan is like that in a way. The dunes are always moving but it all feels the same. H, Jon and I drove to a beach I've been going to since I was a little girl. It's so surreal to see your own child experience your own past experiences, like seeing double.

That same feeling happened last night at my 10 Year high school reunion. That double-vision of seeing people you knew (or didn't recall knowing) all jam-packed in a bar. I made the rounds talking to many familiar faces, but just as easily found myself happily sitting with those friends that you can just fall back into natural conversation.
Yay for friends like these :)

That shirt and pizza just says it all :)
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