Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back on the Bike

How cute is this onesie from "aunt" Kathryn in NY? SO appropriate too for this post on cycling. I'm so excited for the times when Harrison will be able to be in a burlee to cycle with me!

Too cute. I met my parents in Swartz Creek, MI for our bike ride. I rode with my Mom the 34 mile route.. This is the first ride I've done since the tri in New York. I was nervous but my legs were ready and happy to be back!

I was just about to upload a pic of myself....however upon looking at it I will refrain. My legs might be ready, but my middle is another story.... Thus I have begun running again in preparation for my first post baby 5K in September. Also, come on, I have to complete the List of 26 things and one very big one is to lose ALL the Harrison weight. And...we're not there yet :) 

So I will leave you with the funniest picture from the ride :) I had to pull over and snap this. Poor leggy guy took a nasty pile drive!

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