Well, Baby Harrison has had quite a week. It has been a large world of stress sitting on my shoulders since last Friday when Jon came home. The stress has keyed down a notch as of today, 4pm when we were discharged from the hospital.
Unfortunatly this story begins and ends with a mystery, so there is still no answer to our concern. Here are the Events:
6pm Friday: I am feeding Harrison and chatting with Jon. While running my fingers through Harry's mess of hair I discover a fluid filled bump. It is very light feeling and watery. It fits into my palm. We are disturbed. I call the pediatrician who is profoundly stumped and advides us to seek medical attention within 4 hours. Okay....everything is closed, so to the ER we go.
7-9p we are in the ER being examined by doctors and nurses. None of whom has ever seen anything like it. "Are you certain he was not dropped?" Nope no trauma. A CT is ordered and Jon and I find ourselves doning lead vests and holding down a screaming Harrison while the scan whirs around us. Result: no abnormalities, no fractures. Go home and seek a pediatric neurosurgeon to be seen ASAP. Okay....
10am Saturday: We go to our pediatrician's office hours and Harrison gets worked over by the doc. "Are you certain he was not injured?" Yup, I promise. Still no clue.
Sunday: Bump is now as big as my hand.
Monday: Call the neurosurgeon. "We are not able to see Harrison til the 19th, the doctors are on vacation". Okay...
Wednesday: Follow up appointment with our pediatrician. "No one has dropped him, correct?" I swear he has NOT been dropped. SHe orders bloodwork. Baby has 3 unsuccessful blood draw attempts before finally falling asleep and shutting down. They get the much needed blood from his ankle finally.
Hematologist wants to run more tests for bleeding disorders and wants him as Inpatient. To the hospital we go. I have a sleep over on a pull out while Harry's crib looks a little prison like.
Thursday: "Is it possible you or someone dropped him?" ...........NO. "Well, we'll order a full body bone scan to make sure no other injuries are or have occurred." a.k.a.- are you lying to us?
Bone sca shows no abnormalities.
Still no answers to our questions of 1) what is the liquid 2) where did it come from 3) will it go away
However, the one answer I NEEDED was answered. He will be okay. He has an odd liquid bump on his head but he will be OKAY.
Good enough for me.