Monday, August 30, 2010

Bike Bike Bike

I am pretty sleepy this morning. It's been a long weekend for the baby and me. I'm thinking he's going through a growth spurt as he woke me up every 2 hours last night in a fuss looking for love, well mainly just food. He'd instantly pass out after feeding. I on the other hand did not. And the night was LONG.

Today is a new day, and with a full pot of coffee I am awake! Harrison is napping sweetly.

Aside from the long nights I had a great couple of days! Sunday morning was beautiful and called out for a solo bike ride. I haven't cycled as much as I wanted to this summer, and I have yet to complete 2 more cycling projects that are on my list of things for the year. 1) cycle to Lake Michigan 2) cycle a century 

As for the list, I hope to get to the beach next week :) Century is supposed to happen in October. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


The little boy rolled over today! And wouldn't you know it, I missed the actual flip. I was lying next to him reading the paper and listening to him talk and yell at the ground doing tummy time. I look over he's doing the running man on the floor tummy down, look at the paper, look back to a silent baby starring belly up at the ceiling. I think he was even a little confused at how he got there.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Yes! I got to check off something on my list of things! Jon drove Harrison and I down to Reeds Lake where I volunteered at the aid station for a bike tour. It was through the Ronald McDonald House. Not many riders showed up however which was a little surprising. But I did it and that's the point. Plus I got to oogle pretty great bikes and a beautiful lake front.

I Harrison news, he is still adorable. The following pictures are of him talking to one of his favorite things, the living room lamp. He is always happy and surprised to see it.

He's been a smiley lad all week. His new talent is bringing his hands together, and sticking them both in his mouth. All this time his arms and hands have wandered around in circular motions, never touching. It's funny to see such a simple but important skill develop. Now he can catch a baseball (in theory).


Still loving his moose. 

And after a long day of talking to lamp and playing with moose it's time once again for story time (courtesy of Daddy) and dinner (served by me). 


Sweet dreams. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sour Patch Kids + Soda Pop = Movie

I just got home from a movie with my friends, it's 11:30, I am awake. Harrison seemed to have quite a night while I was away. Jon drew the short stick by choosing a different movie (it might have featured 3D piranahs) that ended earlier than mine (which featured an unhappy middle aged woman trying to find herself whilst eating, praying and loving). So while I sat watching this lady bicycle around Bali, Jon had the unthankful task of shushing Baby H to sleep. Poor babies.

Now the house is quiet. I just wolfed down a slice of toast with peanut butter and am strangely reflective on this movie I saw.
 #1 I have very rarely liked Julia Roberts...I'm thinking the only movie I enjoyed her in was Steel Magnolias

#2 Julia had a pretty easy time making life changing friends everywhere she traveled. I relate to this to a point. Living abroad with other internationals taught me that people certainly come together and bond in these situations. My friends whom I met in Finland will stick with me always.

#3 I find it a little difficult to feel too sorry for Julia in this situation. She suddenly wakes up from a fog of unhappiness to find that she doesn't feel connected to her life. My question to her would be why are these relationships less meaningful or important that the ones she formed over the year of discovery? Will she grow discontented with those too? Are they more real because they are from far off places, where people live authentically? I guess I get a little frustrated with the notion that in order to get in touch with an authentic, true life you must go to these lengths to discover yourself. And overall I couldn't stop thinking that in the grand scheme of things her level of unhappiness must rank fairly shallow in relation to true sorrows.

#4 The food part did indeed make me hungry

#5 I should go see more movies with girlfriends. Even though I sensed civil unrest on the homefront I did appreciate the break.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Well, here it is, the 100th post. I was actually thinking about which ground-breaking event I would write about for this. Marriage? Birth? Adventures? Well, quite unexpectedly my not-so-little sister inspired me to write on the thing I love most of all, my family.

My sweet sister called us from the middle of nowhere (really and truly nowhere, a 25 mile hike into the wilderness of Yellowstone) to talk. I quite literally had to hold back my nerves as I listened to her describe the conditions of the "camp" she was tenting at. All alone. By herself. Writing this now my heart is in my throat, surely not to come down until she calls tomorrow, safe and sound back at her residence hall.

Her talk inspired a run, and the run got me to thinking. My family has grown and grown (how can it actually do otherwise? even when a family member passes away they are still part of the family) and especially this year as we said hello to our little Harrison in May. My sister's adventures made me look at Harrison and think, will you do these scary things one day? Will you call me from the wilderness and tell me there are no bear paw prints around you (very reassuring)? Will you travel to a distant country and not come back for a year?

How can a parent get to that state where you know there isn't anything you can do but listen, give advice and wish them the best? I mean do all that without getting an ulcer from stressing. How can you protect someone you love and still let them discover the world? I wish I owned a safety umbrella that would stretch from Mexico past LA up to Yellowstone and across to Michigan. I wish I could be with both my sisters, as if my presence alone protects from anything, but it would certainly make me feel better.

It always comes down to trust. Trust that little Katie knows what she is doing. Trust that Harrison is sleeping soundly in his crib. Trust that the doctor has sufficient knowledge. Trust the pilot can keep a plane up in the air (something I need to tell myself each and every time I board a plane). And trust that at the end of the day the people I love so dearly know it.


Harrison wants to wish all his fans a nice weekend! He's sure to have adventures and will report soon :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back on the Bike

How cute is this onesie from "aunt" Kathryn in NY? SO appropriate too for this post on cycling. I'm so excited for the times when Harrison will be able to be in a burlee to cycle with me!

Too cute. I met my parents in Swartz Creek, MI for our bike ride. I rode with my Mom the 34 mile route.. This is the first ride I've done since the tri in New York. I was nervous but my legs were ready and happy to be back!

I was just about to upload a pic of myself....however upon looking at it I will refrain. My legs might be ready, but my middle is another story.... Thus I have begun running again in preparation for my first post baby 5K in September. Also, come on, I have to complete the List of 26 things and one very big one is to lose ALL the Harrison weight. And...we're not there yet :) 

So I will leave you with the funniest picture from the ride :) I had to pull over and snap this. Poor leggy guy took a nasty pile drive!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Baby Joins me on the Medical Oddity List...great

Well, Baby Harrison has had quite a week. It has been a large world of stress sitting on my shoulders since last Friday when Jon came home. The stress has keyed down a notch as of today, 4pm when we were discharged from the hospital.

Unfortunatly this story begins and ends with a mystery, so there is still no answer to our concern. Here are the Events:

6pm Friday: I am feeding Harrison and chatting with Jon. While running my fingers through Harry's mess of hair I discover a fluid filled bump. It is very light feeling and watery. It fits into my palm. We are disturbed. I call the pediatrician who is profoundly stumped and advides us to seek medical attention within 4 hours. Okay....everything is closed, so to the ER we go.

7-9p we are in the ER being examined by doctors and nurses. None of whom has ever seen anything like it. "Are you certain he was not dropped?" Nope no trauma. A CT is ordered and Jon and I find ourselves doning lead vests and holding down a screaming Harrison while the scan whirs around us. Result: no abnormalities, no fractures. Go home and seek a pediatric neurosurgeon to be seen ASAP. Okay....

10am Saturday: We go to our pediatrician's office hours and Harrison gets worked over by the doc. "Are you certain he was not injured?" Yup, I promise. Still no clue.

Sunday: Bump is now as big as my hand.

Monday: Call the neurosurgeon. "We are not able to see Harrison til the 19th, the doctors are on vacation". Okay...

Wednesday: Follow up appointment with our pediatrician. "No one has dropped him, correct?" I swear he has NOT been dropped. SHe orders bloodwork. Baby has 3 unsuccessful blood draw attempts before finally falling asleep and shutting down. They get the much needed blood from his ankle finally.
Hematologist wants to run more tests for bleeding disorders and wants him as Inpatient. To the hospital we go. I have a sleep over on a pull out while Harry's crib looks a little prison like.

Thursday: "Is it possible you or someone dropped him?" ...........NO. "Well, we'll order a full body bone scan to make sure no other injuries are or have occurred." a.k.a.- are you lying to us?
Bone sca shows no abnormalities.
Still no answers to our questions of 1) what is the liquid 2) where did it come from 3) will it go away

However, the one answer I NEEDED was answered. He will be okay. He has an odd liquid bump on his head but he will be OKAY.

Good enough for me.

Monday, August 9, 2010

With Great Responsibility comes a Sore Tummy

There are moments when being a new, first time parent is harder than I ever imagined. In these moments I wish that there were someone else above me that I should defer to their good sense and authority on choosing the right thing to do. But there is not. Jon and I are the authority, we are the parents and we have to know what to do for our little boy. This can be gut wrenchingly scary.

I just want to know that I am doing everything I can for him. I want to protect him from everything, and knowing that that is somewhat impossible makes my stomach hurt.

I love my little sock monkey boy.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Te amo Anthropologie

I love Anthropologie, hands down favorite shop. Yesterday I was inspired to try and build a look alike to this top.

Materials: 1 yard shell pink knit + old too small grey Target T

Constructed the embellishment from grey T, cut into strips and sewed the pink strip onto the 3 strips.

Then cut out pink fabric to make the top. I used another long shirt for a model because I didn't have a pattern to follow.

Then the fun part of pinning the embellishment on.

Finally sewed it on in place. The cowl neck took a long time to create and a few errors along the way I had to rip out and start again. Upon looking at it I decided to add another grey bit to the other shoulder to balance it out. Also I didn't add cap sleeves like the original as those tend to bulge my arms.

Ta da! For a no pattern project I like it. A few adjustments left but overall a fun day project!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Meet and Greet

Hello Harrison! Hello Mr. Bear watching baby H. Harrison has been known to "talk" to his stuffed animals while rocking away in his swing. He was chattering away yesterday louder than I've ever heard him before.

We've had a busy weekend, and now that it's Monday we are trying to get back into normalcy. But first the weekend in pictures.

Mom tried to steal Lily, Lily tried to steal handfuls of marshmallows while making s'mores.

Dad put her to work in the garden. Here she is picking jalapenos. Danger, danger- no nibbling.

Harrison met Baby Oscar (17 months). My cousins Carrie and John have a very sweet and chattery little boy :) 

Harrison was a very tired little boy. All he wanted was to snuggle with his Dad.