Friday, July 30, 2010

Zoo + Grand Haven

It has been a busy couple of days. Starting with Baby's 2 month check up where he was weighed (13 lbs) measured (23.5 in) and laughed at the doctor. She gave him homework of more tummy time to work his neck but was happy to see him smile and laugh, which he is doing a bunch now.
Then the shots came :( 3 pricks to the legs and a oral injection for rotavirus. Poor baby was looking at us with big eyes and crying when it was happening. Killed me :( I'm so glad Jon was able to be there too. 
Sadly Baby H developed a fever that afternoon and freaked me out with some really weird high pitched yells. I've called the doc twice and she talked me down. Luckily we were with our buddies in Holland at Mandy's house. Glad not to be alone. 

The next day Baby was feeling happier. Mom took work off and we met up with my aunt, uncle, cousins and second cousins at John Ball Zoo. I think H liked the capybaras, although he decided to sleep the whole time :) 

I was so happy to finally meet Baby Parker and see how Lily has grown, almost 3 soon. They both looked at Harrison but not a whole lot to say at this point. 

Petting Zoo! Next year Harrison is going to love this, and the camel rides :) Stef and Lily got to ride the big camel together, looked fun. 

How cute are you Parker? 

Lots of family on my mom's side rented a house in Grand Haven for the week. We went there after the zoo and got to relax and chat. Lots of baby show off time too :) By the end of the day Harrison was worn out, but happily his little fever has dissipated, hopefully for good. 

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