Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 2

What shall I write about?

Harrison has been an increasingly interesting character to observe and interact with. He's had longer periods of wakefulness sans crying. We do a lot of eye gazing throughout the day. He has the prettiest deep blue eyes :) We both expect them to turn brown but for now they are baby blues :)

Our days consist of a lot of Harrison time, but we have managed to sneak in some friend time as well which really has meant so so much to us. It's a mental overload this shift to parenting and talking to friends, with and without kids, have given us an outlet to balance out a bit. 

Harrison and I are both bummed that Jon will be leaving our daytime lives tomorrow. He's headed back to work and we are all anxious to see just how this plays out. I'm nervous that he'll be exhausted and unable to have downtime with us, working 13 hour days doesn't leave much room for relaxing. Plus there's the issue of sleep. Harrison has been really cooperative with sleeping fairly well during the night (it could be worse!) but even with that he doesn't get to bed until midnight and that might be a little trying. 

In other news, we successfully Moby'd Harrison. Jon was skeptical about this huge piece of fabric working well as a baby carrier but we have been very impressed by how easy it is to put baby in the pockets. It's very secure too, Baby is not going anywhere! 

We love Baby :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

ahhhh i love that picture!!! SO CUTE!!!!!! I cant wait to see him and chat with you! You will have to show me how to use that moby!! I havent figured mine out yet! :) You look so happy in these pics!!