Monday, May 27, 2013

Summer Series: Part 2

The wind down following a long weekend of family fun can be a little sad. Why do we wait until a holiday to gather as a large group? Plane tickets and work always seem to get in the way. Blerg.

But I'll do my best to stay positive here, even if it is a truly dreary, dismal day outside! Here's a quick re-cap.
-I hosted my first professional development session Friday for 18 colleagues, I think it went well! There was only one person who chose to crochet through the entirety of the meeting...
-HP, Jon, Mom and I drove up to Alma for the Highland festival. We met Kellie and Dikran who had flown in from LA, my dad, uncle and cousins. Although the parade was relatively low-key we managed to fully enjoy the 2 days
-HP and I hosted our first grill-out of the season, yummy
-I popped H in the Burley Sunday morning and rode him over to Jenison. I have plans to ride a 100 miler with my dad this summer, so I thought perhaps I'd better get training!
-HP played his heart out with his 2 cousins- (2nd cousins?, who knows)
-Kellie, Mom and I watched Little Women for the umpteenth time
-The whole fam walked down to see the Jenison Memorial Day parade. Jon helped him score a whole pailful of candy

Let's start with a baseball cake :)
And a burley ride to Reed's Lake
Countless hours spent outdoors
2 parades! This one with kilts 
Sisters 1 and 2 
How much do I love Abuelita's curio cabinet 
Cheers to Summer- even if it is a shortened version of it!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Summer Series: Modified Version 2013

Well, it is finally sinking in that for the first time in about 24 years I do not have my Summer 'off''. This is going to be a hard fact to swallow.

2012 I had 6 weeks of Summer, a far cry from the almost 3 months I experienced while teaching in NYC. But I managed to fully enjoy that Summer with HP and Jon.

Summer 2013 is going to challenge me. But I will salvage it by creating 3-day weekends for the foreseeable future! I hadn't taken any vacation days since accepting the new job, so I'm left with 2 weeks to get rid of before July 1st steals them away. Thus begins my first Summer Vacation Day! Here's the schedule:
1. Have a yummy breakfast with HP @Wealthy Street Bakery
2. Buy my tomato plants and gardening materials @Flowerland
3. Spin Class @YMCA downtown
4. Watch a solo movie (Star Trek) @Celebration North
5. Plant my garden
6. A tiny nap
7. Pick up HP and have a relaxing dinner with the family 

There it is in a nutshell! My glorious Summer Day :) Future days will include visiting my friend in Holland, biking around Reeds Lake, lounging in the EGR library, getting my nails done, maybe a haircut, a day at the beach and countless cups of coffee at each of my favorite locations! Care to join me?

Before I head upstairs to spin class (I love that the Y has a lounge area and a good Internet connection) I will say Happy Birthday weekend to my little HP! He enjoyed a giant baseball cake with his 2 best friends Bridget and Eli. A perfect birthday for a little boy :)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Sprint down Memory Lane

I bring you now an update of life through pictures I found on my parent's computer! Some are true blasts from the past!

The Blandford Nature Center 2013

One year ago today! 2012

I chose this one, because of the crazy looks on both our faces!

Today he asked if Kiki would be at his birthday party :(

Yesterday was Grandma's birthday! (2011?)
Ah! What a bug!
He's loved helping his Abuelito in the garden since Day 1
For some reason I love this picture!
:) My teddy bear

Of course, I think all this sentimental walking down memory lane is due to the fact that this guy right here
is turning the big 03 this month. Holy smokes! 

Almost happy birthday HP :)