Waking up at my parent's house next to a slightly damp 2.5year old
Grocery shopping with Jon and H- finally, we'd been living on take out and xmas cookies for too long
Cleaning the house like a mad woman- did you know in many cultures this is a customary New Year's practice? Rids your house of old-chi, ready for a clean slate
Eating tuna melts that Jon grilled up
Drinking an entire pot of coffee
Sledding on an infant-sized sled with HP on my lap- we were a sight! Although, I really should have gotten a picture of Jon as he balanced on that little blue sled while flying down the hill
Watching Jon and H snuggle while watching Toy Story 3
Wearing my new polka-dot sweater from Katie, comfy slippers from Mom and Dad, my Abuelita's plastic yellow necklace, and feeling extra-snug in my jeans (Xmas cookies....)
Watching season 2 of the Walking Dead, not really sure this is a great NYE movie choice, but I'm too far in to stop now
Drinking half a bottle of red wine
Watching the ball drop from my little t.v. screen in GR
Waiting for Jon to come home after his evening shift to wish him a Happy New Years
Bed time
Happy New Year!