I have exactly 6 weeks of summer vacation to take advantage of. Ready go!
Week 1 of vacation got of to an admittedly rocky start for me. I woke up Friday morning with a timy HP nestled in my arms. Ever since H was born my arms have become thermometers, and they were registering a slight fever. He was in fantastic spirits so I wished it away and went about the day.
Yeah, it got no better, worse in fact. He was a flaming torch by the end of the day. It was all we could do to watch tv and movies while he slept in my arms. Counting down the hours til I could give him another dose of tylenol. So instead of enjoying a co workers bonfire, I stayed at home with H.
Happily things turned around Saturday, aside from being warm throughout much of the day H was a happy camper. I even got to leave him with my parents to join my friend for the Saugatauk Film Festival. Which happily lets me cross another one of the list . I'll count Saugatauk as a place I haven't been to before. It was very cute, walkable and I'd love to go back to enjoy some water sports.
I'd been meaning to get over to this festival for awhile now, and I would love to go back again next year.Check out our movie choice
Wild Horse Wild Ride here. I really enjoyed it and would totally reccommend it as a feel-good movie.
Here's a peak at my Summer to do list:
go to the beach
eat brunch with friends a lot
visit Chicago
Zoo trips
see Fiona Apple in concert
Children's Museum
hang with sister Kellie
trip to Ann Arbor (trader joes and ikea!)
camping trip
etc, etc. :)
Care to join me in any of that? :)