:) I forgot to write anything....for a whole year!
So why am I writing now? Well, I have created another blog for one of my ELA classes and it has been going really well (for the most part), so every time I sign in to view and update thtat blog I run into this one...and then I feel bad. Silly.
Today is Friday, I am sitting here in a sweet apartment blogging about nothing. I am really just too tired to go out...even if I had somewhere to go! I had swimming practice downtown at the Union Square YMCA. It is funny that now after years and years I have decided to take proper swimming. It's all because of my upcoming triathlon! I am swimming across the Hudson on my first leg, cycling 91 miles towards Philadelphia and then running a 10K ending at the top of the Rocky statue. Whew! Luckily it is at the end of May and I am in the 2nd month of true training, getting more serious this month. I am actually really excited to get back into peak condition. It has been too long since the Atlantic City Half-Marathon and even longer from being the muscled rugby player from college. I kind of miss that.
Maybe I should be a coach. Forget the teacher bit.
That's another thing...I am soon to be relocating back to Michigan after 3 years of living here. In some ways it does not feel that long, in others it does- considering I saw many of my best friends and myself get married in that time! Yeesh.