Tommorow is Halloween. In the Junior High school I teach at in Manhattan we can't dress up, we can however wear crazy hats. Yup. There is a crazy hat celebration and contest. I don't really mind, I don't have a crazy hat and I don't think I'd dress up anyway. I don't need to dress up strangely to get comments- today I was walking on the 8th grade floor and ran smack into my hell class from last year. These kids tortured me all year long, when I say torture I mean nightmares that still wake me up sweating. So, sweet little Brandon calls me out on my green coat over my yellow sweater. I feel bad about all the terrible thoughts that run through my head when I see him or any of the terrors, at least I don't say any of it outloud. Thank goodness I do not have to teach them anymore. What a first year I did I come back? How am I still there?, I suppose I got a bit better.
No soccer tommorow. No afterschool program either. Awesome. Jon is off tommorow. I think we'll hit the town with the girls to ring in the Halloween season ;) I love fall, everything about it makes me smile. I chugged down coffee this morning and hiked to work in the crispy air, I love that chill in the air :)
I wish I got a pumpkin to carve!