Friday, March 5, 2010

Time Out

Well yesterday I was in pain with no answers and now today I'm in pain with answers and some nerves. I went in for the leg/groin ultrasound at 1:30 with a very patient husband coaching me down the stairs, across the sidewalk and into the car (a whopping 5 min procedure) driving me in and then caching/being a human crutch to walk to the entrance where thank goodness a wheelchair was parked and i gladly stole.

Pain. Lots of it. The ultrasound tech took pics and i wish i couldve interpreted them- all the blues, oranges and reds mving around. Ten minutes later she's back saying "there's a lot of clot from your groin to your knee, which means we're admitting you now".

Off we went via wheelchair, a little glossy eyed and into OB triage. Everyon wanted to talk to us. Vampira came a drained about 15 vials of blood! Texts flew off toward family members. Dad showed up shortly after complete with helmet fresh off the bike. Mom was there shortly after. Baby was monitored the whole while- at least he sounded happy.

Then came the IV with blood thinners. Then they decided to do an MRI(V) to look and see where these buggers travelled and how far up. 30 minutes later I'm shoveled off the MRI board onto a gurny for alittle procedure involving novacane, a catheter and a tiny metal umbrella. They noticed the clot was high enough to be concerning and guided in the little clot catcher umbrella through a catheter through my jugular. ugh, in my neck! First try was an ill fit so they did it once more til successful.

Now I lie here with slightly swollen legs, a sore groin and ouchy neck. But we are here, baby and me. We'll even see baby 2 weeks sooner than expected as they want to induce earlier at 38 weeks.

Moral of the story- figure out what is and isn't "normal" preggo pains.

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