Thursday, March 4, 2010

Immobility + Pain

Things could always get worse from a situtation you feel is really bad. Last week I was struggling with a killer lower back ache, centered around couple of unhappy knots. So annoying was it that I began to compensate how I walked to make the left back feel less strain. This only worsened things it seems.

Today is my 3rd day off from work. I am to a point where standing vertically is a chore and walking is excruciating. I hobble, I limp, I drag my left leg around with me. The pain is radiating out of my left groin and hip, just where your hip flexor is. Mom took convinced me to walk in to my doctor's office to have it looked at. They were slightly concerned of a blood clot. My blood pressure was 30 points higher than normal which just hearing that stresses me out more. But they concluded I have acute back spasms playing tug of war across my torso. Another doc manipulated my leg this way and that, making my eyes weepy :( I think he was sorry to make me hurt, he even gave me a hug and a perscription of muscle relaxors.

This hasn't helped, its now 3 days later and my mobility appears to be be even worse. This makes me scared that 1) it will last for the duration of the pregnancy 2) it really is a blood clot 3)I just wont get better.

I miss my legs, I miss the beautiful pre-Spring days that have been going on lately. I need my mobility back, and I will never complain about a back ache again.

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